Zone 1 Derby Treble


@Northern Suburbs Pony Club

The Zone 1 Derby Treble is being held in 2024 at:
Northern Suburbs Pony Club
534 Albany Creek Rd,
Bridgeman Downs QLD 4035.
PIC Number QBB1330.

Closing Date

Friday 1st November 2024


Now open!

Zone 1 Derby Treble
& Awards Presentation

Event Date

Sunday 10th November 2024

Start Time

8:00 AM
Gear Check at 7:45 AM


$45 (Inc. $10 First Aid Levy)


Download Here.

The Derby Treble is a competition over three phases

Phase One: Jumping Equitation:
Riders will enter the ring, salute the Equitation Judge and proceed as per a normal Jumping Equitation round. Judging will be per the current PCQ rules for Equitation. Points 1-10 will be awarded for Equitation, based on rider rankings at the conclusion of the class.

Phase Two: Dressage:
Shortened, height appropriate, Eventing Tests will be used. Transitions into and out of the halt may be made through the walk. To be ridden in an ordinary snaffle bridle with allowed noseband. All trot work is optional sitting or rising. Points 1-10 will be awarded. Judging will be per the current PCQ Rules.

Phase Three: The Derby:
Derby: Judging will be per the current PCQ Rules for Show Jumping under Table A, Article 277 (modified as set out below). A Derby is a special competition taking place over a combination of show jumping and cross-country fences. Riders will complete a single derby round and there will not be a jump off round.



ClassAgeJumping HeightDressage Test
117 to Under 2680 – 90 CM (White)Ev Test B 80 2020
213 to Under 1780 – 90 CM (White)Ev Test A 80 2020
312 Years and Under80 – 90 CM (White)Ev Test A 80 2020
417 to Under 2660 – 70 CM (Green)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
513 to Under 1760 – 70 CM (Green)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
612 Years and Under60 – 70 CM (Green)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
717 to Under 2630 – 50 CM (Red)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
813 to Under 1730 – 50 CM (Red)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
912 Years and Under30 – 50 CM (Red)Ev Test A 45 & 60 2020
10SeniorsMay nominate Class 1, 4 or 7

Thank you to our great Sponsors!.

Contact Us…


534 Albany Creek Rd, Bridgeman Downs QLD 4035

Peter Ryan

0403 464 135

Margie Davidson

0411 418 349