Zone 1 Showjumping
& Equitation Championships


@Redlands Pony Club

The Zone 1 Jumping Equitation and Showjumping Championships are being held in 2025 at:
Redlands Pony Club
190-262 Cleveland – Redland Bay Rd,
Thornlands QLD 4164

Closing Date

5:00 pm
Monday 24th February

Camping and Stabling

For the Championships, Redlands Horse & Pony Club have available limited yards and camping with limited power. Anyone who is interested should contact the Redlands Pony Club President, Sacha O’Connell on 0408 066 410 to arrange.


to be capped if necessary!

Please read the following important update!

Any last minute announcements or alterations to this event will be posted here..

Jumping Equitation

Event Date

Saturday 1st March 2025

Start Time

Setup from 7:30am
Jumping commencing at 10:00 am


$50 -(Inc. $10 First Aid Levy) for this event only
$90 -(Inc. $20 First Aid Levy) for both events.


Two Rounds
The second round will have a task.

The Draw

Download Here.

Helpers Roster

Download Here.

Results for both Events

Download Here.

Class #ClassHeight
1Official 10 Years & Under50cm
2Official 12 Years & Under50cm
3Official 12 Years & Under60cm
4Official 12 Years & Under70cm
5Official 13 Years & Under 2670cm
6Official 13 Years & Under 2680cm
7Official 13 Years & Under 2690cm
8Official 13 Years & Under 26100cm
9Unofficial 13 Years & Under 2660cm
11unofficial 12 yrs & Under40cm
10Unofficial Seniors*
*Seniors to choose height. If not stated will be placed in Class 5, To be eligible for overall awards, must choose 70cm or above

Awards – Jumping Equitation

Official Classes – – $50 Aitkens Saddlery Voucher to Overall 1st Place, Medallions to Overall 2nd – 3rd Place, Ribbons to 1st – 6th Place in each Event.
Unofficial Classes – Medallions to Overall 1st – 3rd Place, Ribbons to 1st – 6th Place in each Event.
Seniors– $50 Aitkens Saddlery Voucher to Overall 1st Place
Highest Overall Score – Zone 1 Jersey Rug for the Zone 1 rider with the highest overall points from the Official Classes (only classes with 5 or more riders are eligible for this award).
Overall ChampionPremium Jumping Pad from Aitkens Saddlery Plus Zone 1 Jersey Rug for the Overall Champion of both days of the Jumping Equitation & Showjumping Championships, being the horse and rider combination with the highest overall points after competing successfully on both days to be selected from all classes, including unofficial and senior classes, (only classes with three or more riders are eligible for this award) and any ties to be decided according to the competitors penalties and time in the first jump off of the feature event, being the AM6, and if necessary according to their penalties and time in the first round of that event.”


Event Date

Sunday 2nd March 2025

Start Time

Gearcheck from 7:45 AM
Jumping Commencing 8:00 AM


$50 -(Inc. $10 First Aid Levy) for this event only
$90 -(Inc. $20 First Aid Levy) for both events.


AM7 (238.2.4)
AM6 (238.2.3)
A2 (238.2.1)

The Draw

Download Here.

Helpers Roster

Download Here.

Results SJ & JE

Download Here.

Class #ClassHeight
1Official 12 Years & Under60cm
2Official 12 Years & Under70cm
3Official 12 Years & Under80cm
4Official 13 years and under 2670cm
5Official 13 years and under 2680cm
6Official 13 years and under 2690cm
7Official 13 years and under 26100cm
8Official 13 years and under 26110cm
9Official 13 years and under 26120cm
10Unofficial 12 years and under50cm
11Unofficial 13 Years & Under 2660cm
12Unofficial Seniors
Seniors to choose height. If not stated will be placed in Class 5, To be eligible for overall awards, must choose 70cm or above

Awards – Showjumping

Official Classes – $50 Aitkens Saddlery Voucher to Overall 1st Place, Medallions to Overall 2nd – 3rd Place, Ribbons to 1st – 6th Place in each Event.
Unofficial Classes – Medallions to Overall 1st – 3rd Place, Ribbons to 1st – 6th Place in each Event.
Seniors– $50 Aitkens Saddlery Voucher to Overall 1st Place
Highest Overall Score – Zone 1 Jersey Rug for the Zone 1 rider with the highest overall points from the Official Classes (only classes with 5 or more riders are eligible for this award).
Overall Champion – Premium Jumping Pad from Aitkens Saddlery Plus Zone 1 Jersey Rug for the Overall Champion of both days of the Jumping Equitation & Showjumping Championships, being the horse and rider combination with the highest overall points after competing successfully on both days to be selected from all classes, including unofficial and senior classes, (only classes with three or more riders are eligible for this award) and any ties to be decided according to the competitors penalties and time in the first jump off of the feature event, being the AM6, and if necessary according to their penalties and time in the first round of that event.”


*$50 -(Inc. $10 First Aid Levy) for each event only
$90 -(Inc. $20 First Aid Levy) for both events.
Close of Nominations: Monday 24th February 2025
All Nominations via this web site.


Rules for this competition will be those published in the latest PCAQ Showjumping Rulebook (2025) & Jumping Equitation Rulebook (2025), respectively. PCA 2025 Gearcheck rules will apply.


The mount should be the member’s normal pony club mount and regularly ridden to Pony Club. Riders currently competing in a graded class or Official 12 years and under cannot ride a graded / Official 12 years and under horse in an unofficial section.

Two Horse Rule

Riders may enter 2 horses in the same or different heights. Each horse may gain qualifying results. Each horse will be placed in its class and is eligible for overall awards.
In Jumping Equitation, Riders may only enter 2 horses in the Same Height.  Both horses can qualify.


Must be in writing within 30 minutes of incident, accompanied by $50. Only the owner, his authorised agent, or the rider of the horse taking part in the competition is entitled to lodge a protest. Disputes committee to consist of PCAQ Technical Delegate, Chief Steward and One Judge.


Neither the organising committee of any contest to which these rules apply, nor the PCAQ, accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, ground, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever.

Reservation of Rights

The Organisers reserve the right:
(a) to cancel any class or event.
(c) to alter the advertised times
(d) to refuse any entry, with or without stating the reason
(e) to transfer competitors between sections of a class
(f) to combine classes if less than 3 competitors, but will jump their own heights and are placed irrespective of the grade or the height jumped.


In the event of horse movement restrictions, each participant will be responsible for the care, maintenance and cost of their horse/horses. Including and not limited to feeding, watering and vet cost for the time of the restrictions

Setup & Help on the Day

In an effort to make the event run efficiently and to give competitors options for helping out in the event, we are trialling a new system.

For this event, each competitor MUST provide a helper!

They have the option of providing someone to:
1. Help setup on the Saturday at 7:30am for Equitation OR
2. Help setup on the Saturday at 3:30pm for Showjumping OR
3. Assist on each day of the events that you are nominated for – duties will be assigned by the organizing committee.

If you elect to help on the day:  1 you must have a person available who is  is NOT competing. 2 As necessary the organizing committee may reassign you to one of the setup sessions.

Thank you to our great Sponsors!.

Contact Us…


190-262 Cleveland – Redland Bay Rd,
Thornlands QLD 4164


contact the Redlands Pony Club President, Sacha O’Connell on
0408 066 410