End of Year Awards

Each year members of our various clubs in Zone 1 come together to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of both Clubs and their members. This is primarily based on their achievements at Zone events throughout the year.
This year there are four different Categories of awards:

  • Bob Ryan Sporting Trophy
  • Sue Jones Formal Trophy
  • Club of the Year
  • Horse & Rider of the Year
  • Bob Ryan Sporting
    • Winner
    • Runner Up
  • Premier Club
  • Runner up
  • Sue Jones Formal
    • Winner
    • Runner Up
  • Horse & Rider of the Year
    • 12 and Under
    • 13 & under 26

Horse & Rider of the Year (2024)

  • Introduction – This award is to the Best Horse & Rider combination in the Zone as measured by the number of Zone & State events the Horse & Ridder combination have attended in the course of the year.
  • Who can Enter? Any Zone 1 rider can enter. Unlike in previous years you do not have to nominate in advance. Nomination is automatically achieved by entering in the details of competitions you have participated in in the form below.
  • How does it work? Each time you enter the details of an eligible competition, you will be given a number of a points for that competition. This is not based on ranking in the competition but rather in the type of competition and your participation in it.
  • How to enter your events
    It’s Simple!
    Just fill in the form below.
  • Prizes – To be Decided.